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Heads Up 1 2 by Driskill, Allen
Size: 347k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / X-Files

Hiatus from the Game by akire
Size: 16k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / StarTrek (Voyager) + misc others
Summary: Richie and the ROG wake up in the care of the Caretaker. Rescued and retreating to the relative safety of Voyager, they find a friend thought lost. First in the 'Future Imperfect' series.

History of Secrets by akire
Size: 17k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / The Sentinel + mention of others
Summary: Blaer explains to Jim why he’s so reluctant to tell anyone about his Immortality.

Hubris by akire
Size: 12k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / Tomb Raider + mention of others
Summary: Lara has a difficult new student, and Reia finally confesses a error of judgement she made over four thousand years ago.

Hunter's Moon by Shadowstar
Size: 3k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Forever Knight / Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Summary: Just after dusk, LaCroix goes hunting... with some silly results. This is the first of a vignette duology.

Hunter's Vengeance by Shadowstar
Size: 6k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Forever Knight / Lois and Clark
Summary: Takes place after 'Hunter's Moon' and 'Hunting Weather'.

Hunting Weather by Shadowstar
Size: 5k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Forever Knight / Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Summary: LaCroix goes hunting to obtain a unique vintage. Sequel to Hunter's Moon.

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