Tomb Raider

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Last Updated: 12 December, 2002


Highlander + several with The Sentinel, Stargate SG-1, and Relic Hunter

Girls Just Wanna... by akire
Size: 15k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / Relic Hunter / Tomb Raider + other
Summary: A girl’s weekend, Immortal-style.

Hubris by akire
Size: 12k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / Tomb Raider + mention of others
Summary: Lara has a difficult new student, and Reia finally confesses a error of judgement she made over four thousand years ago.

The Immortal Underground by akire
Size: 164k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / The Sentinel / Stargate SG-1 / Relic Hunter / Tomb Raider + misc others
Summary: Immortality is no longer a secret. A ragtag group of old friends get organised as things go from bad to worse...

In-flight Musings by akire
Size: 13k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / The Sentinel / Stargate SG-1 / Tomb Raider + misc others
Summary: Reia, airborne again, thinks about importance of friends.

Moving Pictures by akire
Size: 31k | Rating: PG
Fandoms: Highlander / The Sentinel / Stargate SG-1 / Relic Hunter / Tomb Raider + misc others
Summary: Immortality is in the media, of course Hollywood is going to have a go. The Immies pay their $8 to go assess the results. But it’s not the film but the fans who are the real attraction.

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