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Immorta l Beloved** by Quicksilver
Size: 47k | Rating: NR
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: And There's this phophecy that springs up.... Second in the 'Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer' series.

Immorta lity, Slayer Style** by Quicksilver
Size: 7k | Rating: NR
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: Buffy faces her first immortal chalange...alone.... Side story to the 'Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer' series.

Immorta l Style, Slayer Sarcasm** by Quicksilver
Size: 28k | Rating: NR
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: Methos vanishes, getting help.... Third in the 'Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer' series.

Of Immortals and Other Disasters** by Quicksilver
Size: 33k | Rating: PG-PG13
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: Methos Comes to town looking for an immortal-to- be.... Buffy. Is She or isn't she Immortal? First in the 'Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer' series.

Several Brands of Immortality** by Quicksilver
Size: 66k | Rating: NR
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: The question is decided, and another of Methos' old flames shows up.... Fourth in the 'Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer' series.

Until Later** by Quicksilver
Size: 9k | Rating: R
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Highlander
Summary: 100 years after the series (Immortality, Phophecies and the Slayer).

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